How Does Big Data Work for HR Analytics?

Big data has emerged as the gamechanger in every industry and organizational department, especially the human resources (HR) industry. Leveraging big data with HR data analytics can help inform and improve almost every area of HR, including recruitment, training, development, performance, and compensation. By using big data, HR managers can make smarter decisions and help an organization meet its goals more efficiently.

Does HR need big data? 

In the past, it has been relatively easy to collect certain employee data such as salaries and benefits packages. However, big data in HR has made it possible to collect and assess data before, during, and after the hiring process to help inform hiring decisions and develop a more efficient workforce. 

Big data can give HR managers the ability to monitor and track the efficiency of recruitment efforts to better identify the most efficient strategies that attract the ideal candidates. In this way, big data can streamline hiring processes and make it easier to narrow down large pools of candidates to a smaller, more qualified pool. 

In addition, big data can give HR departments the chance to identify employee patterns and trends and develop programs that are designed to improve loyalty and reduce turnover. With big data, HR managers can understand what is necessary to not only retain top talent, but to keep it as well. 

7 ways big data benefits HR analytics 

There are a number of ways big data can benefit HR and HR analytics. Let’s dive deeper into seven of the most noteworthy ones.

1. Recruit the best talent

Since most organizations have many competitors, it can be a real challenge to attract the most talented professionals. Through big data, HR managers can filter through thousands of resumes and narrow down their search to the most promising prospects. Without the use of big data, recruiting top talent would be a far more inefficient and time-consuming process. 

2. Prioritize recruitment channels

These days, organizations use a variety of recruitment channels to fill vacant positions. Taking advantage of big data can reveal which recruitment channels are delivering results and which ones aren’t very effective. If an organization finds they are having more success with internal recruitment rather than online job boards, they may prioritize internal recruitment efforts over external initiatives. 

3. Detect employee health and injuries

The reality is that if many employees face health issues and injuries, an organization will be less productive and profitable. Big data allows HR managers to detect and properly prepare for common health issues in their organizations. For example, it may reveal that employees are often sick between November and January, prompting the hiring of additional temporary staff during this time period.

4. Improve training 

Training can be an expensive and time-consuming part of the hiring process. Big data gives organizations the opportunity to measure how effective a potential training initiative, which can reduce the risk of training programs that lead to poor employee retention. 

5. Enhance employee motivation and engagement

Through big data, organizations can identify and reward top performers. Through data governance solutions, violations of policies or standards can be identified, and prompt action can be taken to resolve these issues. In addition, big data can reveal if employees are facing performance problems and in need of additional training and/or resources. 

6. Increase retention 

Hiring the right employees is one aspect of HR but getting them to stay is a whole new ball game. By using big data, HR managers can quickly figure out what causes employees to leave and implement programs to increase retention. While recruiting and training a new employee is expensive, losing an employee can cost even more. 

7. Forecast the future

Through big data analysis, organizations can view HR patterns and trends, and use that information to make predictions about the future. Future forecasting provides HR managers the chance to improve their long-term HR strategy and avoid issues with hiring, retention, and performance down the road.

Big data is already improving HR analytics: 3 real-world examples

HR departments in various organizations are already using big data to their advantage.

How a construction company uses big data for HR 

VINCI, a global leader in concessions and construction with over 185,000 employees spread across 2,100 companies, uses big data to improve its HR functions. Through big data, VINCI is able to effectively manage employee data and make employee communications, onboarding, and terminating employment more efficient. 

The organization can now easily adapt to company-wide changes, gain a better understanding of HR, and improve the overall efficiency of human capital. 

How a communications brand streamlines HR tasks with big data

RingCentral is a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications and collaboration solutions. The company uses big data to reduce HR administrative tasks and enable HR to focus on strategic workplace initiatives, by providing employees and managers with self-service access to employee information. 

How a consulting and technology provider optimizes uses big data to optimize HR

Capemini, a global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, recruits more than 20,000 people each year, mainly in India. Thanks to big data, Capemini can anticipate and optimize HR management and planning to put the right teams on the right projects at the right time. The company now has a six-month overview of supply and demand.

The cloud and the future of big data for HR 

Organizations looking to use big data to improve their HR initiatives can purchase additional servers or increase capacity in their in-house data warehouses. However, to truly keep up with the increase in complexity and big data analytics requirements, the cloud is needed.

When data is hosted on the cloud, it is stored on remote servers and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. The cloud eliminates the need for data warehouses and allows HR managers to gather and act on data in an efficient manner. To truly make the most out of big data HR analytics, a comprehensive cloud tool is needed to manage and integrate data. 

Getting started with the big data for HR

Big data is essential for organizations who would like to ensure employees are being managed effectively and business goals are being met. Talend’s fully integrated, self-service suite of apps can change the way HR departments operate.  

Talend Data Fabric seamlessly offers data integration and data integrity services — allowing HR managers to collect, govern, transform, and share data in real-time. Try Talend Data Fabric today to transform the HR functions at your organization. 

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